Review Policy: Double Blind PUBLICATION TERMS1. Accepted manuscripts will be published in the conference proceedings, provided that the corresponding author has been registered to the conference as per instructions and schedule. The corresponding (registered) author is not necessarily the first author.
2. Accepted papers will be presented either orally or in poster format. Oral presentations will be allocated to the highest-ranking manuscripts.
3. New: The publication fee of 100 € has now been waived. The publication fee was supposed to be charged at the time of full manuscript (full paper or extended abstract) submission, and deduced from the registration fee, in case of acceptance.
Corresponding authors of accepted abstracts will not pay any fees at the time of full manuscript submission. In case of acceptance, the corresponding author will have to fully register to the conference for the paper to be presented in the conference and included in the proceedings.
PUBLICATION ETHICSAuthors’ Responsibilities
Authorship of the paper: Authorship should be limited to those who have made a significant contribution to the conception, design, execution, interpretation and presentation of the reported study. All authors should be acknowledged accurately and clearly.
Originality of the paper: The submitted material should be original, prepared to a high scholarly standard and fully referenced using the prescribed referencing system.
Data Quality and Access: All data presented should be acquired in accordance with recognised ethical research practices. Authors should be ready to provide access to their raw data if requested by the Editor.
Fundamental errors in published works: When an author discovers a significant error or inaccuracy in the published work, it is the author’s obligation to promptly notify the Conference editor and cooperate with the editor to retract or correct the paper.
Communication: The author (s) should remain in good communication with the editor if the need arises. All authors should recognize that the Editorial Board of Organizing Institutions has the final decision to publish.
Reviewers’ Responsibilities
Only review papers that are relevant to their own expertise.
Read the papers with appropriate care and attention and use their best efforts to be constructively critical.
Regard the work being reviewed as confidential and will not discuss it with others and will keep their own identity from authors.
Review submitted work timely.
Report any suspected ethical misconduct that appears in the work.
Avoid any offensive language in their appraisals of the papers.
Treat all papers reviewed fairly without any favour or prejudice.
Editors’ Responsibilities
Only authorize for publication content of the highest quality.
Ensure that a thorough and objective peer review is conducted for full-paper submissions.
Identify articles that will not be peer-reviewed (i.e. extended abstracts).
Be transparent concerning the review and publication process.
Treat all submissions fairly without any favor or prejudice.
Provide advice to the authors during the submission process when necessary.
All the submitted papers will go under a double-blind review process by three reviewers, after successful reports by all three reviewers, papers will be submitted for proceedings by Taylor and Francis. High-quality research papers shall be sent to SCI/SCOPUS-indexed journals.